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Agent-based demographic simulation on Python

Results, plots, and code of my demographic simulation project.

During my master thesis, I implemented an agent-based simulation that imitates some aspects of human reproductive behavior. One result of the simulation is a figure like the following:


In this fantasy example we have, the evolution of population pyramid with number of habitants, and house occupation.


The project was implemented in Python. It has some of the following features:

  • Initial conditions can be defined with a .yaml config file.
  • For non extinction cases, the last simulation state is saved. This allows to set a simulated system as initial condition.
  • Save execution time, mean and max memory usage.
  • The simulation tags the output by its state in the last iteration.
  • Capacity to plot figures by specific iteration number intervals.
  • Explore statistical metrics in specific iteration number intervals.
  • Can set the proportion of same gender couples to be created.
  • Save for every iteration: population pyramid, birth rate, death rate, couples, number of deaths, number of births.


For a certain set of parameters, the system stabilizes itself. Let’s suppose we restrict the system to only allow births and natural deaths. Population can only change if there is a difference in these two quantities. Therefore, if population starts to stabilize, we should expect the \(\text{death rate}\) and \(\text{birth rate}\) to start to be similar. That is, for every decrease in population by deaths, we have an equal injection of people trough births, mathematically:

$$ \text{birth rate} \approx \text{death rate} $$

Since they are similar values, we can expect them to be positively correlated, let’s take quick look to it:


Both rates are correlated, and the variance starts to fall as times goes on.

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